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Our reviews

(92 Reviews)
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June 06, 2022
⁵Always great food and fine service

February 18, 2022
Always excellent, friendly and efficient delivery

January 23, 2022
We have been going to everyday sushi for years and absolutely Love the food and owner. He is very polite and food tastes great. Definately recommend !

December 31, 2021

December 14, 2021
Great food, price and staff!

September 24, 2021
High quality sushi at the right price! Keep up the good work.

August 08, 2021
Order was ready in less than 15 minutes, and food was delicious as usual!

August 05, 2021
Always love the unique flavours in the special rolls.

June 08, 2021
Everything was as promised, great food, good timing, and a pleasure to deal with.

June 06, 2021
Late very late!!!!! bad