Our reviews

(92 Reviews)
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January 20, 2018
We had the most polite delivery person! So kind! Delivered in a very timely matter (with no mistakes), and followed our delivery instructions perfectly!

January 20, 2018
Took 45 minutes instead of 25 like it said

January 15, 2018
great, will order again

January 14, 2018
The pictures online are pretty misleading as compared to what the sushi really looks like.

January 13, 2018
Rice was a bit plain this time. But the takoyaki was delicious!

December 22, 2017
Really good! Thanks!

December 20, 2017
UBC Student so thankful for Everyday Sushi. So easy to order online - one of the best ordering platforms out there for food, and always such friendly service. Fresh, yummy food. Thank you!

December 19, 2017

December 19, 2017
Great service but the fish eggs were way too salty in my opinion.

December 13, 2017
Thanks for the tea! Great service as always.