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Our reviews

(92 Reviews)
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December 08, 2017
On time and delicious!

November 24, 2017
Great service! Great sushi!

November 17, 2017
Always very friendly! Great service. And of course the sushi is fantastic (and a good price)

November 13, 2017
very good

November 08, 2017
Fresh sushi, nice variety, reasonable price, great customer service. Totally recommend it.

October 24, 2017
excellent delivery, arrive on time and very nice services

October 18, 2017
Consistently great, friendly service and tasty food.

October 12, 2017
Excellent food, quick and friendly delivery and great service. Love the udon soup.

October 02, 2017
There was initially a bit of a delivery mix up but the staff handled it very well. Our event attendees enjoyed the sushi as well! Thanks for the sushi!

September 28, 2017
Staff are accomodating and the food is top notch!